Algumas das ilustrações que desenvolvi para o 2º livro das "Pipoquinhas"
Some of the illustrations I developed for the 2nd "Pipoquinhas" book
Some of the illustrations I developed for the 2nd "Pipoquinhas" book
Algumas das ilustrações que desenvolvi para o 2º livro das "Pipoquinhas", com muitas pérolas infantis divertidas. Neste projeto experimentei vários estilos de ilustração, como você pode observar a cada página abaixo. Foram escolhidos 4 ilustradores via concurso para ilustrar o livro, eu fui um deles.
Some of the illustrations I developed for the 2nd "Pipoquinhas" book, with lots of fun children's pearls. In this project I experimented with different illustration styles, as you can see on each page below. 4 illustrators were chosen via competition to illustrate the book, I was one of them.
Some of the illustrations I developed for the 2nd "Pipoquinhas" book, with lots of fun children's pearls. In this project I experimented with different illustration styles, as you can see on each page below. 4 illustrators were chosen via competition to illustrate the book, I was one of them.